Friday, December 30, 2011

Sleeping Angel

I don't know how this happened and I can take no credit but this little boy has been a most amazing sleeper during the holidays.  He's adapted beautifully to waking up late and even staying up late without too much drama.  Every morning he quietly waits in his bed for us to get him.  He doesn't call out or get out of bed to play with toys.  He just waits.  Sometimes until 10:30 am! 
That in itself is a Christmas gift to Keith and I!


White Girl said...

He just WAITS in bed? Are you sure you aren't using restraints? That's amazing! Lola hasn't learned that trick, much to Charlie's frustration. He wants to sleep in but Lola is ready to play! Thankfully, they know that if Mama's door is closed, it STAYS closed until she opens it.

villagegirl said...

That is unbelievable! Mine would only be in bed that long if they were ill. Lucky you. :)

Trace said...

Ohhhh you are lucky!! My 7-7 sleeper has gone back to waking every 2 hours over the's killing me. ;)