Friday, July 11, 2008

Apart and Together

This was the long awaited day in Chad's little world. His brother came home today!Chad ran up to Nate as soon as he spotted him in a very touching moment and what does Nathan do? He runs away! I told him...Nate let your brother hug you! He is DESPERATE!!!! Nathan kindly co-operated.

That child was beside himself all week with longing for Nathan. I'm afraid the feeling was not mutual as Nathan had WAY too much fun to really miss any of us. He had a wonderful time at camp and I think he laughed and yelled and screamed for the entire time. His voice is pretty much gone. The dirt layer was thick....and I think that is a good time indicator. We had a good old fashioned scrub when we got home tonight. He told me that they had to shower once...but he didn't use soap. Gee...why bother? Actually he didn't use sunscreen either so I am grateful he isn't burnt, just very brown.

The whole gang...tired, happy and filthy!

It wasn't total boredom for Chad during the week. I signed him up for soccer camp through a local church. He went every morning for three hours and had a great time!

When he wasn't amusing himself with his lego he was my little shadow. He decided reading on the deck just like mum could be fun. For about five minutes! I'm glad I quickly grabbed my camera.


villagegirl said...

Hey! Chad went to the same camp as the boy I babysit. He came over with the same T-shirt on. :)
Aww, that's sweet that Chad missed Nathan. That would be the same in our house and the reaction to the hug would be about the same too. Silly boys.

Anonymous said...

I love that Nate showered without soap. I've caught Paige doing that from time to time and I just don't understand it at all!

I want your lawnchair!! It's so cool!

Colleen said...

Oh this post warmed my heart and all the cockles therein! And how sweet is that last photo? :)

QuiltNut Creations said...

we just got home from dropping off our second at camp. and we did soccer camp last week too-except ours was at night. waaaaaaaay too late for our younger two!

i love how they only have to shower once at camp, i think that's why the pool swim is every day lol!

Fiona said...

aaaah, camp. good times. LOVE the last photo. too cute.