Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just Stuff

This blog is for me as much as it is for you. I write my daily comings and goings even though they aren't fascinating because it's my journal. I don't expect deep and insightful comments all the time (even though they are nice). I just write when I feel like it.
This weekend wasn't truly a weekend. I always feel that way when I work on Saturday. I feel robbed! Anyhow, after work on Saturday Keith kindly washed my car for me as it was full of sap. The trees on the lot at work are making their annual mess of all our cars. Luckily it washes off very easily. I made a decent supper for a change and then we all went for a walk. Afterwards I had the brilliant idea of waxing my car. Keith had to be sweet talked into doing it but he knows which side his bread is buttered on and got to work. He applied, I buffed it off. My car looks fabulous now!
Today was a nice day. After church we met up with Keith's family for brunch at ABC Restaurant. Keith's sister and her boyfriend were here from the Island for holidays so we got a lovely visit with them. We really like her boyfriend and hope there are wedding bells in the very near future! In the afternoon I put up my massive feet and read. Keith decided why not wax his Jeep too, so he did that as a project. After a very simple supper (we were all still kind of full from our buffet brunch) we went on a bike ride. I am not doing doing so well with bike rides anymore. I can't bring my legs up to pedal because of the big belly and I am getting awfully winded very quickly. It makes for s-l-o-w rides. Ugh. We were out for a couple of hours and I have a feeling I won't be doing anymore of them. Just too much effort for this mama.
Tomorrow is another work day for me. The day will start off with a visit to my maternity doctor. I have been handed over from my regular GP now to her and this is my first visit. She was my doctor for both Nate and Chad but it's been a long time since I've seen her and I'm a bit nervous. Me and doctors.....not a good mix. I have issues. Too deep to analyze here.
Oh and I forgot....super exciting purchase! We are getting new tires tomorrow for our car. I are all insanely jealous and I LOVE spending money on rubber circles. Yeehaw!


Keri's Collage... said...

If you LOVED spending money on 'rubber circles', we wouldn't be anticipating the exciting new addition to your family :)
Heehee haahaa

Rachel said...

Keri you are BAD!

Anonymous said...

ROFL over Keri's comment!

I'm so glad you mentioned the car washing. I was thinking about washing mine yesterday but got busy with other things and completely forgot. Now I know what I can do today!

villagegirl said...

ROFL - Keri, you cheeky girl. hee hee
I like hearing about your daily life. We'll be having to get new tires this fall as well. Ugh. Such a lot of money for a necessity.

Terry said...

Wax on. Wax off. Remember the Karate Kid? I did it too on Saturday.
I think you should delete Keri's comment. It is waaay too funny!