Monday, July 14, 2008

Babies Need Stuff

First of all...thank you to all those who have offered to lend me their baby equipment. I have more offers than I need which is very generous. We really have to buy very little. One thing we definitely want to buy for ourselves is a stroller. We walk a lot and know we will wear out a stroller so we ought to have our own.
What I need is some advice. You bloggers give good advice and now I need some more!
Tell me what is a good stroller? I want a very sturdy, quality stroller that will fit into my trunk. If possible I would like it to be able to have an infant car seat snap onto the top of it.
Where to buy? What is a good price?
Spill it people!
Thanks :)


Stephanie said...

My friend raves about the BOB stroller. It is compact for your trunk and shopping, but has good wheels that allow you to go for walks on bumpy trails. She loves it.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could help you out with this one, but much to my joy, my baby equipment buying days are way behind me!

Shawna said...

Ha Ha Ha - where was I when you wrote this???

You know I would have given you my advice --- for free to boot!

However, I am a 3 stroller person.

1) Snap & Go (just the base and the car seat creates the rest of the stoller)
2) Peg Perego Atlantico (1 baby stroller that is compatible w/ car seat)
3) Peg Perego Tender Double Stroller

So there, those are my strollers, but I would now really like to have a running or jogger type stroller...however how do I admit to owning 4 strollers!??!?! That is just plain dumb!

Good luck!