Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Progress Report

No more once a month doctor visits for me. Sigh. Now the appointments are spaced two weeks apart until 36 weeks and then once a week. Add on top of that visiting the OBGYN a few times and I'm going to be a busy girl.
Today's appointment went well. Better than I had hoped! I got to see Dr Drieger who was my maternity doctor for Chad. I really like his calm demeanor. As much as I like his co-hort (Dr Shaw who is wonderful) she is really high energy and I need to be brought down off the ceiling when I am there...not sent back up!
Anyhow....Dr D now has an ultra-sound machine in his office! How cool is that? So I got a little glimpse of our baby boy this morning. He was busy drinking up big gulps of amniotic fluid. Gross. The baby is measuring exactly 29 weeks which is really good because I AM 29 weeks pregnant :)
Dr D told me that there is a new female OBGYN starting up a practice in Abby in August and that is who he will send me to do my c-section. He has met her and says she's very nice so I am looking forward to seeing her to get my actual delivery date.
But one of my favorite things about the office is that they have one of those old fashioned medical scales. My regular GP only had a digital and when I got weighed I'd have to call out the weight to the nurse to write down. With the regular scale I can look away and be in denial!


Murray and Tracy said...

Very cool that you got to see the little one today. Can not wait to meet him. You looked great yesterday. :)

Kori's House said...

Sounds like you are going to be in good hands!!

I was just thinking... if your dates are out a couple weeks your babe could share my birthday :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that all is going well in the baby department.

I'm not even pregnant and I wouldn't want to yell my weight out!! LOL

Shawna said...

YaY for good Dr.'s and YaY for the old fashioned fat scale.

My Dr's is one of the old types too and I love it!