Thursday, July 03, 2008

Work Now....Enjoy Later

Good thing we decided to pick strawberries yesterday! It's cool and rainy today. I am NOT complaining in any way, shape or form. I needed a break from the heat to preserve my sanity. Picking berries in the rain would have been no fun at all. My mom and I headed to Krause Farms to pick berries for our freezers. We love to eat strawberries with our pancakes all winter long! I gave the boys a taste of 'back breaking labour'. As I suspected Chad gave up about 2 minutes into the experience. He decided it was very hard work and talked about it the entire time we were there. He didn't accomplish much beyond about 25 berries at the bottom of a pail. I wasn't surprised. Nathan who is my worker bee took to berry picking like a duck to water. He was very enthusiastic and was truly a great help in getting all nine of our pails filled to the brim. The berries were wonderful and we finished in about 45 minutes. It was hot though and I sure felt like moaning about my back but let Chad take over the complaining department completely.

All done! Time to head home and get these babies processed. With the heat I could smell them from the trunk of my car as I was driving. I knew they wouldn't last long. As soon as we got home we started washing, hulling and packing.
All done! I now have a supply for winter. It's a great sense of satisfaction to see the task completed. I know now that as Nate enjoys his strawberries and pancakes over the winter he will remember the hard work that went into it!
Later that afternoon after I took Chad to a birthday party, Nathan and I headed to Birchwood Dairy to get some vanilla ice cream to go with our fresh strawberries for dessert that night. Of course we had to get a cone. It was really nice to spend some time with just Nathan. We had a great chat over our ice cream cones. Chocolate chip mint for him and Bordeaux Cherry for me!


Anonymous said...

K, now I'm going to be craving strawberries for the rest of the day. Next time I'm in Abby I may have to come raid your freezer! ;)

Fiona said...

I'm happy to say that I've never been strawberry picking. It does look like back breaking work, though. Good on ya for getting out there. My Mom's coming soon and I know there's strawberry jam in my future ... maybe I should actually go help her this year. As long as it's not raspberries, it's all good. :)

QuiltNut Creations said...

yum. i did this a few weeks ago but i cheated and bought a flat lol

Kerry said...


Lovella ♥ said...

It is so amazing to me how someone elses work looks both so fun and so beautiful. Good job on getting them picked and in the freezer.