Thursday, October 16, 2008

This Is Hard

We have good nights and we have bad nights.
A good night means about 5 hours of broken sleep.
A bad night means about 2-3 hours of broken sleep.
It's all catching up with me and I feel like death warmed over.
I want to nap today and will try but usually Liam seems to know when I try to nap and makes that his fussy time!
Anyhow...I can barely put a coherent sentence together here. Going to go and feed the babe and see if I can catch a few winks.


Chastity said...

Oh my gosh, I feel the same way. Problem is..I haven't had 5 hours of sleep period. Ugg. I'd love to just get two consecutive hours every night...that would be lovely.

Stephanie said...

That is yucky. I hope Liam and you settle into something of a routine soon!

Anonymous said...

I wish I lived closer...I'd come by and watch your sweet baby while you caught some zzz's.

Lovella ♥ said...

Oh Rachel . sorry .
I can barely remember what that was like. . only that it was hard.
I will pray for you.

Sinead said...

I remember how tough it was at the time...but I remember too how quickly it did pass. The relief when you start to get 6-7 hours of sleep at night is amazing. Hang in there...and do try to take naps when he's sleeping!

Keri's Collage... said...

I was thinking about you all day. Hopefully you will have a better sleep tonight!

Unknown said...

Funny how now I get 7-8 hours and I just want more...I don't think any amount of sleep actually makes you more rested than another person...I guess I am a pessimist (lol)

Jenn said...

Oh, those memories of sleep deprivation are still fresh in my mind... Praying that you get more sleep very soon.

Kimberley said...

the pictures of Liam from the Oct. 13th post, are just too adorable. i think my heart melted. here's to praying you get more sleep! thinking of you. :o)