Saturday, July 09, 2011


Chad's BIG hat that he 'won' at day camp for memorizing his Bible verses all week.
It appears he needs to grow into it a bit.
Nathan riding off into the early morning to mow Nana and Grandad's lawn. He's open to new customers if anyone needs their lawn done (and it's within biking distance!).
Liam's newest backyard amusement. A bubble gun!
Keith working and working AND working to get these darn baseboards done. He is SO close to being finished.
Didn't he do a fabulous job on the livingroom/dining room door way?
Chad shucking corn for our supper. Let's hope it tastes good because it's not quite corn season around here yet. I do believe that is California corn.
(10:13 pm ~ it was some of the best corn I have had in a long time)


Terry said...

Nice hat, Chad. Or not. Nate did a good job on the lawn.

poof said...

Good job Keith...hey...ours have never been finished...are you done yet?

Trace said...

Love that hat! LOL