Friday, December 21, 2007

Puffs and Christmas Vacation!

My first ever attempt at cream puffs. I must admit they were delicious! Chad really enjoys the cream puff samples we get at Costco and has often asked me to buy them. The cheap Mennonite in me doesn't like to buy things I can make. So I needed to make good on my promise to Chad to make cream puffs! My mom often made them for us when I was kid. She actually made a homemade dessert almost every night of the week. I think somehow my dad worked it into the wedding vows. 'Woman, thou shall provide me a fresh delicious dessert each day'. My dad has a major sweet tooth!
Growing up I totally took it for granted until one of my little friends had dinner at our house and was in AWE of getting a delicious dessert. She told us that they only got dessert on specials occasions. Here I thought EVERYONE got dessert each day made by their mom!!!
And to my joy it's now Christmas vacation! Two weeks of not making lunches, washing gym strip, driving to school and getting the kids up at the crack of dawn. Yeehaw!
The kids had a concert of sorts at their final assembly today. Unfortunately I had to work but Keith went and took a bit of video so I could hear their singing. Now you can too :)


Anonymous said...

What I wouldn't give for one of those cream puffs right now. They look perfect!

My mom used to make dessert almost every night of the week too. Sometimes though the dessert was a bribe to get us to eat our dinner. Particularly if she made something we hated like liver and onions.

QuiltNut Creations said...

very cute!

have a wonderful holiday Rachel, Merry Christmas!

villagegirl said...

Oh my, if I could just reach into the screen and pop one of those in to my mouth! Delish!
My mom usually had dessert baked as well. I guess we were spoiled? I just thought it was the norm as well. There was no such thing as buying dessert or food in general. Everything was home cooked.
I agree with you - I have a hard time spending money on something I can make as well - twinsie. :)

Sinead said...

Those look just delicious! You are a dab hand in the kitchen alright! Merry Christmas to you all there...wish we could enjoy some of your Christmas really does look tasty! I haven't done any this year but might make some rumballs this weekend, that will be the extent of it!

Kerry said...

Wow, you and your Mom are amazing. I rarely make dessert for my family...only on special occasions. Do you have a recipe for your cream puffs? They look so delicious. My Grandma Boldt used to make them a lot growing up and I have fond memories of eating them...never making them. I attempted making them a few years back and they were like rocks...heavy and hard. I remember my Mom baking a lot as a kid, especially around Christmas time. I'm going to try to do some baking today.

Keri's Collage... said...

You did a great job Rach! They look delish!
The kids concert sounds great!

Terry said...

The dessert family tradition has been successfuly passed to another generation, much to the relief of yours truly. Those Cream Puffs are jumpin' out at me right now.

Rachel said...

Just for the record, I do NOT make dessert everyday!

Canadian Kristin said...

YUM! I don't think I could make those....because I couldn't stop eating them!!!!

I remember trading my Mom's homemade choco chip cookies for Ore*s with kids at school...they thought homemade was a dream...I thought store bought was heavenly!

Kori's House said...

Those look AMAZING even if they do contain fruit :)

Great singing too... I was singing right along.

Hard to believe Christmas is just around the corner!