Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ahhhh...time to let loose!

Hah! Well, here's to my first private post. Time to divulge all those juicy secrets.
I wish I had some to tell you!
It's not that I want to share more personal stuff but rather that I want to perhaps mention the town 'Abbotsford' or maybe use a last name now and again!
My parents have always told me that I am choleric aka 'control freak'. This proves it because I want control over WHO reads my blog. I am not okay with the anonymous readers who do not 'out' themselves. Plus with my new addicition to face book, I thought that just left my site way too vulnerable.
So at the end of the day you won't really notice a change in my posts. But thanks for putting up with my password protected site. I appreciate it!
I'm sure that I didn't hear from everyone yet that might want access to my site. If someone is trying to find my blog through any of you please let them know they can email me directly for an invite!
Have a great weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

I'm so disappointed that you didn't reveal any deep, dark secrets. Man! I guess I'll keep reading anyways. ;)

villagegirl said...

I hear you! There's a lot of freaks out there!
Of course I'll keep reading you! :)

poof said...

Thanks for the invite.

Finally...I can say the forbidden words....

Abbotsford...Clearbook...Lower Mainland...Fraser Valley...

I feel so vile...