Saturday, June 16, 2007

Number One Dad!

Tomorrow is Father's Day and therefore a tribute is necessary. Cue the dreamy music!
One never knows how their husband is going to be as a father until that first baby comes along. I have to say that I was more than impressed at Keith's devotion to his first son from the moment Nathan was born. I did not get to change that baby's diaper for DAYS after he was born and never did get a chance to give him a bath until he was several months old. Keith is a 'hands-on' dad and has never pulled the 'it's not my job' card with anything to do with the kids. I love him for it!
Yes, he does have high standards for the kids but he loves them so much. Dads parent very differently than moms and I have to make myself stand back let Keith do his 'dad thing'! I know it's all good because our boys are such wonderful kids!
Thank you Keith for being the awesome dad that you are!
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Murray and Tracy said...

Happy Fathers Day Keith!!! Have a wonderful day filled with lots of love and laughter. You deserve it!

villagegirl said...

Happy Father's Day Keith! You really are a great dad.

Chastity said...

Aww, very sweet! What a great daddy.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute! Your boys are truly blessed to have such a wonderful dad.

Sinead said...

Happy Father's Day Keith! Rachel, remembered I had a Google account when Kim and Derek signed me up for Google talk, so hopefully this works okay! Less than a week to go!

onedayatatime said...

That's a great tribute to Keith!