Monday, June 04, 2007

I Must not be Rude

I've been tagged and you may all gloss over this boring-ness. Sonya made me do it.

Here are the rules… Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog.

1. I've never had a speeding ticket. Never. Not yet.

2. I throw the heels of bread in the garbage. I KNOW that I could dry them and make bread crumbs but I am too lazy.

3. I could happily look at photos of food for hours.

4. I am very skeptical.

5. I really like yard work. It's good exercise and it serves a purpose.

6. I don't really like kids. My nightmare job would to be a daycare worker. (please don't send me hate mail) I like my friends kids OKAY!

7. I cannot sleep in a room with a closed window. I must have fresh air at night.

I won't tag only if you want to!


Anonymous said...

Mwahahaha!!! I'm evil. And now I will take over the world!

I've never had a speeding ticket either and I also throw bread crusts away.

cayman77 said...

I doubt #4 to be true my berry friend. And kids?? Oh Paleezzzzzzzz! You not you Rach!

Colleen said...

FRESH AIR!!! My hubby likes the window closed so ... what to do? We do live in the north so it remains closed but my heart longs for a someday that is in a warmer someplace so that I can open the darn windows.