Friday, June 22, 2007

And To Think that it Happened on Sports Day!

We woke up to drizzle and clouds. Somehow the weather always seems to know when it's sports day in B.C.! Keith and I had planned to spend the day at the school watching and taking a turn at the concession stand. The boys were so excited and didn't let the weather get them down. It was great fun to watch them having such fun. Yes, it was wet but it wasn't cold....bonus! At about noon the sun finally came out and it was gloriously warm and one would have hardly known the day had started off so poorly. Nathan came home with a second place ribbon in the sprinting event. My boy can run! Chad had an exciting adventure of his own. After they were done all the games, the kindergarten class stopped for some water and rice krispie squares. I told Chad that these would be great for helping his loose tooth fall out. Well, not two minutes later his teacher is squealing and pointing at Chad (she's very hyper).....I ran over and there is Chad a little stunned and alot bloody. It seems that after his first bite the tooth twisted sideways and so he pulled it out himself. This good news for him because he so desperately wanted to get on the 'Tooth Chart' in his class before year end on June 28th. He just made it! I think we'll be having a visit from the Tooth Fairy tonight. And to think she was just here two nights ago for a big molar from Nate.

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Keri's Collage... said...

Way to go Chad!

villagegirl said...

Go Chad!
Love the new template btw. I need to change mine but I'm too lazy.

Kori's House said...

Did you take that picture of Chad in your new kitchen by any chance?

Fiona said...

Very cute. Great new look on the template!