Saturday, June 30, 2007

Party like the Irish

Oh my oh my...what a night. As I post this it's 10:15 am and my children are STILL fast asleep! Unfortunately I woke up with headache (thanks for all the gin and 'pamplemousse' cocktails Orla!) and couldn't really sleep much past 9:00 am. Here's a little look at the best party I've been to in years! We were celebrating Sinead's youngest sister, Ashling's graduation from highschool. It sure made me feel old to think that the little sweetie that Sinead and I played with in high school is all grown up now. Crazy! Una (Sinead's mum) puts on great parties....there are young and old there and everyone has a great time. They are all such friendly people and made us feel very welcome and a part of the family.

Ah yes.....Nicky (the Aussie wonder) and Cam. Boyfriends of Sile and Orla. They were a bit silly in their ying & yang 'servers' outfits. Very amusing indeed, but they got the job done. They grilled up the chicken and steaks to perfection and made sure everyone was having a good time. Also made sure everyone's glass was always full :)
The wonderful spread. It was a delicious dinner!
The dessert were also amazing....look at sensible Ceara with her plate of fruit!
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1 comment:

Kori's House said...

After seeing the pictures and the video's I am sure you had a fabulous time :)