Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Getting Close

A few positive developments around here lately.
1. We have a signed accepted offer on our house. Subjects to be removed on Feb 22. My sigh of relief will be heard around the world when that happens.
2. Our water issues that were caused by the city's installed of an upgraded water meter were resolved yesterday. They fixed all the leaks and put in a new PRV (pressure reduction valve). Out of 18,000 meters installed so far they said these issues have happened in 30 homes. That's a .001% chance...lucky us.
3. Keith's back is improving and he's going to work tomorrow. He's going to the doctor this afternoon and the chiropractor on Friday for their professional assessments.
**Back from the doctor now and he's off for another seven days. Has to get x-rays and some deep tissue massage to work out the spasms. He is up and mobile but walks around like an old man :)

Of course in my mind I always knew things would work out but generally my emotions get the better of me. I look forward to having all this stress behind us so we can get back to being the parents we should be, the employees we should be, the friends we should be....I could go on and on here!
Thanks for hanging with us.


Anonymous said...

I totally understand. My emotions are always getting the best of me. I'm glad you've had some good new!

Anonymous said...


Jennie said...

I could bring you more chocolate if that helps at all...

Fiona said...

I'm happy for you that things are clearing up ... and now you can get on to packing ... because THAT'S not stressful at all!!! ;) I think you should hire professional packers/movers.

Trace said...

Yay for the positives!! :)

villagegirl said...

A little saltiness will make things better. :)
I'm so glad things are starting to right themselves! Phew!

Colleen said...

Love to you.